Database is an open access and collaborative isotope database for bio-archeological samples from the ancient worlds. It consists of georeferenced isotopic, archaeological, and anthropological information related to the study of:

1) dietary and mobility patterns of human and animal populations;
2) animal and crop management practices;
3) past climates and environments. IsoArcH covers all prehistoric, protohistoric and historic time periods all around the word.

Our aim is to add to this resource isotopic information from bio-archaeological sample related to the study of infant feeding from the Mediterranean between Prehistory and the Middle Ages. This will enhance even further this already invaluable resource and will also create the opportunity of testing statistically and on a global perspective the working hypothesis of this project: the link between changed in infant feeding practices and demographic growth (demographic transition).

The dataset created by Francesca Fulminante will be integrated to the database in collaboration with Kevin Salesse, Université Libre de Bruxelles ( and with the assistance of Katherine Miller, University of Bristol.

Sponsored by: The Bioethic, Biolaw and Biosociety Research Strand of the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute, The Institute of Greece, Rome and the Classical Tradition,  and The Arts and Humanities Faculty Research Seeds Funds, University of Bristol.

  Pompei, Italy, 1st century BC (National Archaeological Museum – Naples; De Agostini Picture Library/Scala, Florence,